Procedura di acquisto

To place an order, the Customer must follow the online purchase procedure which consists of a "request for quotation" by filling the form prepared for this purpose in correspondence with the image of the artwork/design object he is interested in.

The Customer will proceed to send this request. This operation will not involve the execution of a purchase order, but a mere expression of interest in knowing the details of the article and the price as well as the acceptance of the general Terms and Conditions of sale.

In seguito alla richiesta di quotazione, sarà inviata una e-mail di conferma di avvenuta ricezione, alla quale farà seguito un’ulteriore e-mail con l‘informazione riguardante il prezzo del bene e con l’indicazione che le spese di spedizione e/o eventuali oneri accessori verranno quantificati successivamente  a fronte di un reale interesse da parte del cliente nel proseguire nella trattativa. Se il cliente è interessato a perfezionare l’acquisto manderà una mail manifestando così la sua volontà positiva nella prosecuzione dell’acquisto e a quel punto riceverà una mail con un link che lo riporterà sulla piattaforma consentendogli di compilare l’ordine di acquisto.

The Customer will thus expressly confirm his willingness to purchase the artwork/piece of design at the indicated price including transport fees and/or any additional charges promptly determined, and according to the chosen methods of payment.

The Customer is required, before submitting his purchase order, to give his consent again, in particular to the Sale General Terms and Conditions and the exclusion clause regarding the right of withdrawal, both of which can be viewed in the e-shop of the e-shop gallery.a dare nuovamente il suo consenso segnatamente ai Termini e Condizioni generali di vendita e alla clausola di esclusione del diritto di recesso entrambe visionabili nell’e-shop del sito della galleria.


All orders will be subject to the discretionary approval of Saraceno Art Gallery which will provide feedback to the customer by sending an order acceptance/confirmation email.

I contratti di vendita dei prodotti sul sito, si considerano conclusi al momento in cui la Saraceno Art Gallery accetta l’ordine di acquisto effettuato dal cliente.

The acceptance of the order will contain the following fundamentals: 1) all details of buyer and article; 2) price of the purchased item as agreed between the parties, 3) shipping fees (where applicable) and any additional accessory charges (where applicable), 4) terms and methods of payment as agreed between the parties, 5) address where the goods will be delivered and the delivery times.



Saraceno Art Gallery reserves the right to remove, in any moment, any works /design object from its website and/or to remove or modify any content of the same. While every effort will be made to process all orders, there may be exceptional circumstances that do not allow us to process requests.

We decline any responsibility towards you or towards third parties for removing of any artwork/design object from the website, for the elimination or modification of any material or content of the Site, or for the failure to process requests.

Should an object no longer be available for sale or shipment, Saraceno Art Gallery will inform the Customer, as well as the waiting times to obtain again the chosen item. In this case, the order will not be considered accepted and the Customer must expressly communicate his confirmation of the new agreed conditions.


Each prices requested on website are in Euros.

Sale prices are VAT included. Transportation fees and any other additional costs, if there are any, and if they are not included in the price, will be indicated, once the Custome has finalized the order on website.

Supplier issues invoice and will send it by e-mail to the titleorder, then he will include the original invoice in the shipping. The personal details written on the invoice are the ones sent by the client, no changes are possible after issued of the invoice.


Il pagamento delle opere/oggetti di design potrà avvenire per mezzo di bonifico bancario e/o carta di credito, ove possibile (se per es. l’acquirente  ha scelto la modalità del ritiro diretto). L’Acquirente è tenuto ad indicare nella causale il numero dell’ordine attribuito dal fornitore e la data di effettuazione dell’ordine stesso. L’Acquirente dovrà inviare una attestazione del bonifico stesso a mezzo e-mail alla Saraceno Art Gallery entro e non oltre tre giorni lavorativi dalla data di conferma dell’ordine. Salvo diverso e espresso accordo tra le parti, la spedizione della merce avverrà solo una volta che l’intero corrispettivo sia stato interamente corrisposto e le somme effettivamente accreditate sul conto corrente bancario della Saraceno Art Gallery.

If no payment has arrived witihin the agreed terms, the contract will be cancelled and Saraceno Art Gallery could put on sale again the article, by sending an e-mail to cmmunicate it to the Client.


Delivery of goods will be made in the following ways chosen by the Customer:

- Free collection by the Customer at the Saraceno Art Gallery in via Monserrato 60 Rome.

- Express courier. Delivery will be made to the address indicated by the Customer for shipment within 15 working days from the date of credit. Deliveries abroad will suffer longer times in relation to the distance and the specifications of the Country of destination. The delivery will be concluded and the order "delivered" through the acquisition, by the Customer or a third party present at the location indicated by the Customer, of the material availability or in any case of the control of the purchased good, which will be proven by signing of the receipt of the order to the agreed shipping address.

If it is not possible to complete the delivery, the shipper will try to find a safe place to leave it. If this is not possible, the product will be sent to the Saraceno Art Gallery deposit. In this case, Saraceno Art Gallery commits to communicate to the Customer the place where his order is located and how to arrange a new delivery.

Transportation costs vary depending on the size of the items purchased and the destination of the shipment as well as the good value if you decide to insure it. During the purchase process, these costs are clearly indicated before the order is finalized.

Risks relating to the purchased goods will be in charge of Customer from the moment of delivery. The ownership of the good will be acquired by the Buyer only upon payment of the price and all amounts related to the purchase, including shipping costs.